
What is Schizophrenia?

Schizophrenia is a mental disorder caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. Although scientists aren't sure what exact chemicals are being compounded to create such illness, they believe it involves neurotransmitters dopamine and glutamate and other complex chemicals that are hard to get a hold of. This disorder affects the way a person thinks, sees and acts. It causes the person to question what is real and what is not, it confuses the person. The majority of people who have schizophrenia are young men in their late teens or early twenties. It is a biological illness, meaning it is inherited through genetics and it is believed to be triggered when in extreme stress.

What causes it?
This disorder is mainly triggered due to stress, as stated earlier. Stress starts from anything, mainly the problems are with the pressure society puts upon individuals. 

No, it is not contagious because it is a disorder within an individual's body. Schizophrenia as stated earlier is based on genes. So if a family member, a first degree family member of yours, was to have this disorder, then you have 10% chance of getting it. However, the general population has only 1% chance of having this disorder. 

Is schizophrenia curable?
No, it cannot be cured because it needs continuous maintenance but there are medications out there that are used for recovery or calm the brain. There are also supportive therapies and rehab centers where a patient, or a client, can seek. It is a lifelong treatment. However, it is stated that many individuals who attend and appreciate these resources are able to live independently with satisfaction.

Hallucinations, paranoia, irregular behaviors, losing interest in living, lack of pleasure in the everyday life, depression, delusions. 

A ratio of six male to one female have schizophrenia. 
45 million people worldwide have been estimated to have a diagnosis of schizophrenia.
For every 1000 people in the country, between 2 to 7 people will have schizophrenia.
Estimation of about 6 million Americans have this disorder.

Effects on the brain:
In some patients, the ventricles, located at the center of the brain, and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) filled cavities, which normally has a volume of 150 mL, tend to be much larger. 

The first picture is an X-ray of a person that is not affected and the second picture is a person with schizophrenia. You can see the differences. The person that is affected has a larger hole in the middle than the other. 

Related Movie:
A Beautiful Mind (Trailer)
Made in 2001 by director Ron Howard